Our Approach
Our style pure philosophy is supported by a defined and consistent approach with the goal of long term-capital appreciation and risk mitigation.
Key Investment Tenets
Positive Revenue Growth
Positive Earnings Growth
Strong Competitive Positions
Stable & Expanding Industries
Positive Earnings
Positive Free Cash Flow
Established Profit Margins
Strong Management
Focus on Core Business
Stakeholder Alignment
Prudent Use of Debt & Leverage
Economic Conditions
Our Core Convictions
Focus on Quality
Companies with strong fundamentals are likely to outperform over a full market cycle.
Collaborative Decision Making
Two heads are better than one, and a committee is even better. Our investment committees exist to ensure consistency and adherence to our investment tenets.
Style Purity
We adhere to our philosophy, investment parameters, market cap, and style even when it’s tempting to stray by chasing after trends and momentum.
High Conviction Portfolios
It is our belief that high conviction portfolios can outperform peers over time with a lower level of volatility.
Long-Term Investing
Avoid short-term thinking to generate the superior long-term benefits that result from companies consistently growing earnings and cash flow.
Seeks to Participate in the Upside and Mitigate Risk on the Downside
We believe the best way to compound wealth is by participating in rising markets while mitigating risk during downturns.